λ About Me
I love my job. I love the creation process, I love the heated debates, and I love all the time I get to spend thinking about how to build things right. It's both a challenge and its own reward, so why not keep at it at home, right?
On my day job at Facebook I collaborate with AWESOME PEOPLE to build development tools that help creating apps for the next billion users. In the past I've worked experimenting with early prototypes and bleeding edge software, at-scale video services, and a bit of video game development. Thanks to my early immersion, snatching bugs, deciphering cryptic documentation, and being left alone with few examples to make something out of; all come easy to me.
I spend hours reading books, watching conferences and gathering sources so other people don't have to. I build opensource projects with long readmes. I'm active online on twitter, reddit, slack, or github, and offline at conferences. Wherever I go, I discuss the problems I've faced and all the ways I found to solve them. Especially the incorrect ones. Yup, I tend to be rash and err a lot, but I compensate it by being always willing to step back and rethink. Expect corrections and edits.
This blog is another way for me to voice the ideas I'm compiling into libraries, as well as a means to shed light on some of the discussion that happens on all those other spaces.